an ancient council of trees rules and passes judgments one memeber of each of the main speicies on it.
Each country has its own council, ,
but each continet or country has their most ancient tree as part of a world ruling council.
minor rule breaking to start with
if youw ant seedlings to be an oimportant part of this then you have to explain the sygnificance.
yeah he get in trouble uses his powers to escape then ends up being taugh =t by the nymph that midori was trying to protect]
loose plot saving anvient trees and saplings
need to work out who is trying to ghet the saplings and why.
personally would write that the saplings are a great souce of magical power and are hunted by all evil creatures because of this as well as humans that knwo of this world.
the first book the evil can be a human
human wokring for an evil council
book w=one is sort of the intro story and book two is about the rising of the dark nymph
midori and khal are kept apart because they were once in love and they are not allowed to cross breed which they almost did.
There is a l;edgend about the possibility of a half breed and the dark nymph wanted it to happen, because they want to steal and use the saplings power. Nymph breeding is heavil yrestricted and very giarded because of the fgact that they dont want the dark getting more powerful
this contested wiht humans destroying forests this is a serious problem.
ok in 1665 the frist time the dark nymph appear and consumed their own saplings and in diong so created the black death and unleashed it on the humans. then the humans burned london to get rid of the evil and it caused the great fier of london. #
his leads the tree council t9o badnning sapling creation unless guided by the counc#
klhal was y9oung and foung the dark nymphs while Midori was too young and they meet up in vicotiran times to start their relationship#
present council is pressuring her to create saplings with this other approved guy and she doesnt want to because she still loves khalon. she doesnt wantt o do it and keeps putting it off the council is hoping to creatire a super white ash which is what she was
when they meet up again they can be grumps and he can mopck he=r but really its because he is jealous.
and she can respond with things like when i go back to nova scotia ill make my child i ==and is very muvh looking forward to it.